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Synthetic Monitoring

New generation technology vs legacy stack: Why 2 Steps is the better alternative to BMC

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According to another report by Gartner, Inc., "The market for APM software reached $4.5 billion in 2020, an increase of 9.9% from 2019." This demonstrates the growing demand for performance monitoring tools, and the need for businesses to choose a solution that is up-to-date with the latest technology.

Finally, 2 Steps and JDS have worked together on large implementations at eHealth NSW and Brisbane City Council, with a signed partnership in place. This demonstrates their commitment to delivering high-quality solutions to clients, backed by years of experience in the industry.

To summarize, here are the key advantages of 2 steps over BMC's Synthetic Transaction Monitoring solution:

  • Point-and-click interface that makes building and maintaining tests exponentially easier
  • Native integration with Splunk, providing a seamless user experience
  • Video replays that help communicate technical issues to non-technical stakeholders
  • Latest technology, making it a new-generation solution
  • Proven partnership with JDS, backed by years of experience in the industry

Overall, 2 steps offers a more user-friendly, efficient, and effective solution for synthetic transaction monitoring, making it an excellent choice for businesses that are looking to optimize their IT spending and streamline their testing processes. 

With its point-and-click interface, native integration with Splunk, and video replays, it offers an unmatched level of visibility into end-user experiences and IT infrastructure, helping businesses identify issues quickly and resolve them before they impact end-users.

Synthetic transaction monitoring is a critical aspect of application performance management, allowing companies to simulate user interactions and identify issues before they impact end-users. 

However, not all synthetic transaction monitoring solutions are created equal. In this article, we'll explore how 2 steps offers a superior alternative to BMC's Synthetic Transaction Monitoring solution, with a range of benefits that can help companies streamline their testing processes, boost efficiency, and gain deeper insights into end-user experiences.

One of the key advantages of 2 steps is its point-and-click interface, which makes building and maintaining tests exponentially easier compared to BMC's solution. With 2 steps, users can create and manage tests with ease, without needing a technical resource to script up the tests. This means less time spent on testing and a significant cost saving for organizations, making it an ideal solution for businesses looking to optimize their IT spending.

According to Gartner, Inc., "By 2023, 60% of large enterprises and 90% of midsize enterprises will implement synthetic monitoring capabilities for API, application and user experience monitoring, up from less than 10% in 2019." This demonstrates the growing importance of synthetic transaction monitoring, and why businesses should choose a solution that is user-friendly, efficient, and effective.
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