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Synthetic Monitoring
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Synthetic Monitoring vs. Real User Monitoring

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Making the right choice for optimal website performance

You probably don't need us to tell you that IT operations and digital experiences are the lifeblood of modern businesses, impacting everything from customer satisfaction to revenue generation. To boost IT monitoring and the user experience, it's essential to understand the key differences and benefits of two primary approaches: synthetic monitoring and real user monitoring (RUM).

Synthetic monitoring involves simulating user interactions to test performance and availability, providing valuable insights before real users encounter potential problems. On the other hand, RUM captures data from actual user interactions, offering a comprehensive view of how your website and applications perform in real-world scenarios.

We're about to explore the differences and benefits of both approaches. The idea is to provide you with a clearer understanding of which monitoring solution best suits your business needs.

What is synthetic monitoring and how does it work?

It's about using scripted user journeys that emulate real-world interactions with your application, running these scripts from multiple locations to test performance and availability. These journeys can range from navigating a web application to testing a complete purchase flow, from searching and selecting a product to checking out and verifying the payment process. By simulating these interactions at regular intervals, synthetic monitoring ensures your applications and websites operate smoothly across the globe, providing confidence that they can handle user demands at any time.

Unlike traditional monitoring tools that focus on infrastructure metrics such as CPU usage and server health, synthetic monitoring prioritizes the end-user experience. By actively modeling user interactions, it examines your applications from the user’s perspective, providing insights into load times, functionality, and overall performance. This approach helps detect and resolve issues before they impact your users.

Some of the key benefits include:

  • Proactive alerts - because synthetic monitoring continuously tracks performance, uptime, and potential issues within your applications, it can send immediate alerts to your IT team. This means you can address problems before they become serious, which is a very effective way of reducing customer-reported issues.
  • User-centric testing - by mimicking real user behavior, synthetic monitoring provides insights into how users interact with your application. This helps your team to identify usability issues, optimize functionalities, and improve overall user satisfaction.
  • Monitoring complex processes - it does this by replicating intricate user actions in your applications. This continuous oversight helps detect slowdowns, performance issues, or errors in these processes.
  • Immediate notifications of service downtime - you need to know when this happens ASAP. One of the critical advantages of synthetic monitoring is its ability to provide instant alerts when an application or service becomes unavailable.

What it comes down to is a proactive and user-focused approach to application performance management. Now let's take a closer look at RUM.

What is real-time user monitoring (RUM) and how does it work?

RUM involves collecting data from actual user interactions with your website or application. This method continuously tracks and records user activities, such as page load times, navigation paths, and transaction completion rates, providing a detailed view of how your applications perform in real-world scenarios. By capturing real-time data, RUM provides insights into the user experience, helping your business to understand and improve your digital services.

Unlike synthetic monitoring, which simulates user interactions, RUM relies on data from real users, making it an effective tool for identifying issues that impact actual user experience. By analyzing this data, you can detect performance bottlenecks, usability problems, and other issues that users encounter, allowing for more targeted and effective optimizations. However, it's not without its limitations. While it does have significant advantages, it's limited by its reactive nature; it identifies issues after they have affected real users. Additionally, RUM requires robust data privacy measures to handle user data securely and comply with regulations. Finally, interpreting the vast amount of data collected can be complex, requiring sophisticated analytics tools and expertise.

Synthetic monitoring vs. RUM - let's compare

Both offer unique advantages. Let's look at some of the key differences, so you can choose the right approach for your business needs.

Data collection methods

Synthetic monitoring uses automated scripts to simulate user interactions with your application. These scripts run in a controlled environment, often from various geographic locations, to assess performance metrics such as load times, uptime, and transaction flows. The data collected comes from these simulated interactions rather than actual users, providing insights into how your application performs under predefined conditions.

RUM captures data from real user interactions with your application. This method involves embedding a tracking script within your application that collects performance metrics as users interact with it. This data reflects the actual experience of end users, including variables like device type, browser, network conditions, and geographic location.

Insights provided

Synthetic monitoring uses:

  • Controlled testing, which provides insights into how your application performs under specific conditions, including various devices, browsers, and network speeds. This helps identify potential performance issues in a controlled setting.
  • Regression testing, which is ideal for spotting issues caused by recent code changes or updates. It helps make sure that new changes do not degrade performance or introduce new bugs.
  • Predictive analysis, which can simulate scenarios that might not yet be encountered by actual users, providing early warnings about potential issues.

RUM provides:

  • Actual user experience, including detailed metrics on load times, error rates, and user interactions.
  • Geographic and demographic insights, which includes data on how performance varies across different regions and user demographics, helping tailor optimizations to specific user groups.
  • Long-term trends - which helps identify long-term performance trends and patterns based on real user behavior, facilitating more informed decision-making.

Pros and cons

Synthetic monitoring pros:

  • Provides consistent and repeatable performance data.
  • Allows for early detection of potential issues before they impact users.
  • Ideal for testing specific scenarios and workflows.

Synthetic monitoring cons:

  • Data may not fully reflect real-world user experiences.
  • Limited by predefined test scenarios and environments.
  • May not capture issues caused by real user behavior or diverse conditions.

RUM pros:

  • Offers a detailed view of actual user experiences and interactions.
  • Captures a wide range of performance data, including real-world conditions.
  • Provides valuable insights into long-term performance trends and user behavior.

RUM cons:

  • Can be more complex and resource-intensive to implement and manage.
  • Requires robust data privacy measures to handle real user data.
  • May involve higher costs and more complex data analysis.

As you can see, they both have their advantages and limitations. The big question is: which one is right for your business?

Make the right choice for your business and your customers

Selecting the right monitoring solution is essential for optimizing your digital platforms. Choosing between synthetic monitoring and RUM depends on your specific needs. Here’s how to make an informed decision.

Key factors to consider

Business objectives:

  • Synthetic monitoring is best for proactive testing and validating application stability before going live. Ideal for complex workflows and regression testing.
  • RUM - provides real-world insights into user interactions and long-term trends. Best for understanding actual user experiences and performance.

Performance needs:

  • Synthetic monitoring - is useful for controlled performance testing and early issue detection under simulated conditions.
  • RUM - captures real user performance across various devices and locations, offering a true picture of user experience.

Application complexity:

  • Synthetic monitoring is highly effective for monitoring intricate processes and transactions.
  • RUM is suitable for applications with diverse user interactions and varying conditions.

Data privacy:

  • Synthetic monitoring - involves simulated data, reducing privacy concerns.
  • RUM - requires careful management of real user data to comply with privacy regulations.

When to use each

  • New feature launches - synthetic monitoring validates performance before release, while RUM monitors real-world impact post-launch.
  • User experience issues - synthetic monitoring is sometimes less effective for capturing nuanced user behavior, while RUM is essential for diagnosing real user experience issues.
  • High traffic periods - synthetic monitoring tests performance under simulated high load, while RUM reveals real user experience during peak traffic.

The hybrid approach - combining both for a comprehensive strategy

Using both synthetic monitoring and RUM provides a holistic view of performance. Synthetic monitoring helps with proactive testing and issue detection, while RUM offers insights into actual user experiences and long-term trends. Combining both ensures thorough monitoring and enhanced user satisfaction.

By leveraging both synthetic monitoring and RUM, you can ensure a more thorough and effective approach to managing application performance and user experience. Evaluate your specific needs, objectives, and application complexity to determine the best monitoring strategy for your business.

Making the right choice for optimal performance monitoring

Understanding your business objectives and performance needs is key when it comes to choosing between synthetic monitoring and RUM - or indeed, harnessing the benefits of both. Synthetic monitoring excels in proactive testing and controlled performance validation, making it ideal for complex workflows and regression testing. RUM, on the other hand, offers insights into real user interactions and performance.

Selecting the right monitoring strategy — or integrating both — ensures that your applications perform optimally and deliver the best possible user experience.

Ready to optimise your monitoring strategy? Book a demo and we'll show our innovative monitoring solution in action.

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